Sunday, December 10, 2006


I am Back. This time not with a coding issue, but with a unit testing trouble. I am a big fan of controlled unit testing. What I mean by this is, I don't waste lot of my time writing unit test cases. I first finds the critical paths in the code and writes the unit test cases for that. Somehow I feel that there should be a balance between the coding time and unit test case writing time. The rest of the flows I will test manually, which is more logical for me.

Now I have a problem. I am working on ASP.NET projects. Some of the program flow is in the base methods of ASP.NET Page class, e.g. : Page_Load, etc. These are difficult to test using the normal NUnit classes. I don't like the NUnitASP either. For me NUNitAsp, doesn't help in Unit Testing, but in function testing.

So, I came up with the idea of Generic Web Mocks that can help me in doing the "Unit Testing" of my internal methods.

It is a tedious process. So I am planning for another approach for doing a better unit testing of web internal methods.

I will discuss about this in another blog.


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